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CV-Library's video guides

Find out why thousands of recruiters and employers use CV-Library to find their next hires with our video guides.

Why use CV-Library?

Duration 03:19

Take a closer look at the recruitment products we provide, from job adverts and CV database access, to targeted email campaigns.


Screening questions

Duration 01:36

Add custom questions to every job posting to help you quickly identity that best applicants.

Advertising Jobs

Pay for Performance advertising

Duration 01:24

Control your budgets, post your jobs for free and only pay for views, clicks or applications.

Advertising Jobs

Search Builder

Duration 01:00

Our innovative CV search tool helps you source the best candidates matches in seconds.

Searching CVs

Video Interviews

Duration 00:58

Set up video interviews with your candidate shortlist in seconds and recruit remotely.

Job Advertising Searching CVs Additional Features