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Integrations > EVA set up


CV-Library's award-winning database of CVs is now searchable via EVA.

CV-Library Integrated with

Search CV-Library CVs on EVA

To start searching CV-Library through your EVA account, please follow these instructions:

Search CV-Library CVs via EVA

To start searching CV-Library CVs through your EVA account, please follow these instructions:

Login to your EVA account and navigate to "User Systems Settings" and then click "External Systems". Select "CV-Library" and enter your CV-Library username and password. Then press "Save."

Return to the EVA homepage and select "Match". Select the job you wish to search candidates for. A list of matching candidates will be listed automatically. To change your search criteria, press "Add a new filter" and then press "Apply".

To open a CV, press the blue CV button. To close it, press this button again. If you want to view the candidate's full CV and import them to your EVA account, press "Import". The CV will now be imported to your "Candidates" list.

N.B. Each candidate you import will cost one credit on CV-Library.

You're done!

If you need support setting up access to CV-Library, please call our team on: 01252 810995